Sunday, October 25, 2015

Artist Statement

Daphne's Awakening

Is the other half of the story yet untold by legend. As it was, a long, long time ago, Daphne was a headstrong huntress of deer primarily. 
She was spotted by Apollo, the rake of the ancient world. He was used to getting his way with the ladies. However, as he approached, sweetly calling her she slipped away. Se he gave chase, and she was hard pressed to outrun him.
She called for help form her father the River, and he in his infinite wisdom, turned her into a laurel tree. Which Apollo worshiped to the end of his days.
Yet she remained forever imprisoned for a crime she did not commit.
In this painting I free her to walk among us once again. This is Daphne returning to herself as maiden once more. May these times see her as a woman in her own right.

Amanda's Website

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